Curated Mental Health


Fear is a natural protection mechanism used by our brains to avoid harm, but the exposure to extremely dangerous and/or traumatic events, may dramatically increase the odds of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Not all people who experienced traumatic events will develop PTSD. Most symptoms are part of what could be considered a natural recovery process from the event, and the way this disorder starts to make itself evident is on the behavioral changes it causes. Some people won’t show symptoms for weeks or even months, but the changes are clear when episodes of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse start to become frequent.

 Those with PTSD may struggle with:

  • Re-experiencing symptoms, characterized by flashbacks followed by frightening thoughts and physical symptoms -as if you were reliving the trauma.

  • Avoidance symptoms, defined by the changes on personal routines as a method of staying away from places, events, or even thoughts and feelings related to the event.

  • Arousal and reactivity symptoms, related to persistent feelings or anger, tension, “on edge”, and “ready to fight”, making it sometimes impossible to accomplish simple daily tasks.

  • Cognition and mood symptoms, as a result of detachment from friends and family. Feelings of guilt, blame, loss of interest in leisure activities, negative thoughts about the world or oneself, etc.

 Traumas can happen in many forms and affect people differently. In order to address the plurality of demands, a variety of interventions can be considered when treating PTSD. From regular medications and psychotherapy to transcranial magnetic stimulation and MDMA assisted psychotherapy, our patients can find all the resources they need at Curated Mental Health. Our team of providers are specialized in creating personalized treatments adjusted to all the needs each patient needs.